
Limited Warranty

The item will be under a limited warranty for 90 days from the date of {purchase/delivery}. If items are defective, damaged, or malfunctioning in any way, the Buyer must contact the Seller within 7 days and the Seller will provide {repairs/refurbishment/replacement} free of charge. If damage from normal wear and tear occurs within 90 days, the Seller will {repair/replace} the parts in question.

The limited warranty does NOT cover exceeding recommended weight limits. The limited warranty does not apply to any damage, expenses, or injuries that occur from improper use, mishandling, faulty transportation, or incorrect installation.

The Seller makes no other warranty, express or implied, oral or written, concerning the aforementioned item’s merchantability, fitness, purpose, or suitability.


By Buying and/or using any parts from Attic Ladder Guy, you agree that you will use and install these parts in a safe and legal manner, consistent with all applicable laws, safety rules, and good common sense.

You must accept that you and you alone are responsible for your safety and safety of others in any Attic ladder repairs, in which you engage. While the parts acquired from Attic Ladder guy is to repair your own Attic Ladder, you are responsible for verifying correct installation and adhering to weight limitations recommended by the manufacture.